Friday, October 26, 2012

The Corn Field Creature (2001)

For a few years in the early 2000's I took a part-time night job delivering pizzas. Wow, the stories I could tell from that job; however, none really meets the purpose of this blog, except this one story. This encounter occurred on a cold, clear, November late evening after midnight in 2001.

It was a standard late evening on the job delivering pizzas. I was the closing driver and worked until 2am during the weekdays. After 10pm at night when the stores are closed and people are home relaxing, the roads and neighborhoods get very quiet, dark and lonely. I lived in this community, so I was quite familiar with the lay of land, the wildlife, and people.

I left this evening after mid-night to make a late night delivery to a rural, mixed farm and large single family home region. This area backs up to a very large state park and large river which runs west 40 miles and east 15 miles. As I turned onto a long straight narrow back road, I turned on my high beams. The road along one side is lined with large single family homes on tree filled, 1/2 & 1 acre lots; the opposite side of the road is a series of small farms which start at the roadside and run back against the state park (as mentioned above). I see these farms all the time and noticed that they had been harvested of corn that week. The fields were flat with some small stalks of corn left.

As I drove down the road I noticed a large hump at the roadside a few feet into one of the cleared cornfields. It stood out, because harvested fields are quite flat and I never remembered a large hump in that location on the corner of this field. As I approached I slowed down a lot to get a better view. The large hump when about 40 yards off was very dark and slightly rounded at the top. When I got to around 15 yards off, I could clearly see it was covered in dark, long, matted fur. I slowed down even more and put the window down. I was thinking at this point it may be a dead animal. When less than 10 yards off I realized it was way bigger then I thought. The hump was about 5 ft tall. Next thing I noticed was it was moving slowly upwards. As I got directly next to it, I honestly got freaked out and stunned. All at once I got a strong whiff of a rotten garbage type smell and I put the window up. As I looked back out of my rear side window I saw it stand fully up and quickly it started to move off into the field.

The next day I returned to the area during the daytime. Unfortunately there is nowhere to park to check out the area. So I slowly approached the spot and noticed two things: 1) the field being slightly elevated above the road it was hard to see where it had been crouched down 2) the farmer was out turning his field so I was not about to trespass 3) if there was any evidence it would be erased by the turning of the field.

The creature was tall, very tall and bulky. It quickly disappeared off into the dark field towards the state park. With my best opinion, it was a bigfoot. Possibly it was feasting on the left over ears of corn in the field. During this period of time many sightings of bigfoot were reported in that area. Since then, the small farms have been developed into housing and no bigfoot reports have been made since.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Bermuda UFO (2004)

In 2004, I was living and working in Bermuda. During this period I was living at the Bermuda Biological Station for Research. The Bio-Station backed up along a narrow inlet with a private spacious grassy field. At the top of the grassy field by the research buildings was a small open air pub for the researchers. In the evenings the pub would get quite busy as everyone wanted to relax under the stars, grab a few drinks and mingle with others.

In 2004, I was getting my daily evening rum buzz on at the Bio-Station Pub. It was a very packed evening, maybe 25-30 scientists and students. The time was mid-nightish and it was very dark in that area with the sky full of stars. I got my glass of straight black and ice; and I felt the need to lay back and relax on a hammock. The hammock was out in the soft grassy area away from the pub.

As I gazed up at the stars, it was amazingly clear with just a few small passing high atmospheric clouds. I love looking for satellites when it is dark and clear as it was there. I caught a few satellites which in a dumb way excited me. After about ten minutes of scanning the sky, I noticed three yellowish/ white lights to the far south moving in a triangular pattern towards my location. To say the least, I really perked up and left the dreamy mode I was in. I stood up and kept a close eye on these lights moving towards the area. Curiosity was really getting to me as my mind was racing with concepts of what it was (satellites, aircraft, UFO, balloons, space monsters).

Next thing I did was probably the smartest thing I could do. I went back towards the pub and loudly said, "Anyone wanna see a UFO?" About a dozen people followed me laughing and partying on. Sure enough the objects were proceeding in the same direction moving slowly and getting closer. Everyone saw it and began to make rational opinions. As it got almost over head the rest of the pub had flooded out to check it out. We started noticing things: it was one object and as black as the night's sky, there was one faint yellowish light on each of its triangular edges, it made absolutely no noise at all, there was no exhaust trail, it did not all spin or turn, it appeared to glide, there was no way at all to distinguish any structures (just a black-like shadow) with only faint lights to allow the shape to be defined.

As it passed directly overhead everyone was quiet and stunned. It was heading directly towards a very high cloud. At the point it was reaching the cloud we realized that it was very high up in the atmosphere (meaning this thing was huge). As it glided above the cloud it went out of sight. As the seconds passed it never came out of the other side of the cloud. Everyone began to say, wow, its gone. After a minute or so we knew it was gone.

The rest of the evening we sat around debating if it was a secret government aircraft or a UFO. The greatest majority agreed that it was a UFO. Due to its massive size, no noise, no exhaust, completely blacked out like a shadow, and great height in which it was flying it could never be a man made craft. Its size alone had to be 300 yards or so long/ across or maybe even more. Also the fact that roughly 30 people witnessed this was an awesome piece of evidence that what we saw, we really saw. The Bermuda Triangle is truly the Bermuda Triangle.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

A Ghost Cowboy Photographed (1997)

I took this photo in the summer of 1997 in Parkville, Maryland. This location was on a very busy Harford Rd. just prior to the city/ county border. The "ghost or man" was heading northward. I am very familiar with this area as it is very close to where I grew up.

It was a very nice mild summer day. I worked at that time about 1 mile south of this encounter. As I was driving north bound on Harford Road around noon, I noticed a horse walking along the roadside with a man leading it. (Horses are never seen or walked along this road or area at all. It is densely populated single family home city/ suburbs. Harford Road is a well traveled busy road with plenty of stores, businesses, convenience stores and gas stations; definitely not a place for horses to be led.) As I got closer I slowed down to get a good look at them. Instantly, I noticed the man was dressed in old western like gear from maybe the 1880's. His horse was adorned in old style sleeping mats, water pouches made of leather, worn leather bags, a very old style harness, and a rifle holstered in a tradition side pouch for quick draw on the right side of the horse. The man had a rough worn leather cowboy yet field like hat. He had a fitted brown leather vest on with a rather clean white shirt. He was wearing boots with leather gators over his chins. The oddest thing was he was wearing a 6-shooter long pistol on his right hip with a belt lined with bullets. The last thing I remembered was he had a knife attached to his belt in his back side.

Never once did the man or even the horse peer over at me driving by at 5 mph, nor did they look at any of the cars driving past. So I got real curious if this was a re-en-actor or a ghost from the past. I drove about 1/2 mile up the road and turned left into an abandoned gas stations lot so he would have to pass right by me. As he approached I had my window down and stared right at him, he never made eye contact. Next, I said out loud to him, something to the effect of, "that is a cool costume". No answer or even acknowledgment of my presence. Instantly it hit me that I had my camera with me, so I snapped two shots of him walking past. I sat there watching him walk northward until he was about 100 yards up the road.

Next to my location was a very busy 7-11 store. Extra crowded because it was lunch time. So I went in and mentioned to a few customers if they saw that guy walking a horse in a costume? Everyone said, "No." One guy I remember said that he was sitting out front of the store smoking a cigarette and saw nothing. I quickly left and got in my truck and headed northward to see if I could see him again walking. He was nowhere to be found. I drove up three small side streets to look, but again nothing. My last attempt at confirming what I saw was to stop in a large gun store directly where he was walking towards. I knew all the people that worked here. I asked them if he came in or if they noticed anything, they responded with "nope".

I got the film developed a few days afterward. I was shocked and happy as hell to see that one of the two photos turned out fine and clear. The other picture ended up being very blurred and quite blacked out. I attached the picture for all to view and enjoy as many of family and friends have over the years.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

One Wild Ride, Twice (2010)

I can't remember the exact month of this story, but I remember it was a really nice dark evening, clear weather, and not cold. My witness (friend) which was with me during this bizarre occurrence was freaked out as much as I was. I had challenged this very legend with a group of high school friends (2 cars) 20 some years ago and we all had the "ride" of our lives. Why did I return to challenge it again?

My friend Theresa and I were doing some random daytime adventure one Saturday telling stories and enjoying each others company. We got onto the ghost and spirit topics. One of my stories I told her was of a haunted road in Baltimore County along the Gunpowder River. Notchcliff Road has been long known for a legend of a spectral truck that randomly races up and down the very winding, narrow road at night with blinding yellowish, round headlights. It is infamous for causing minor and serious accidents and even deaths.

My first challenge of this legend was in 1990. A bunch of my high school friends of mine packed into my car and my buddies car. My buddy led the way on the road well after midnight. As true as true is, we had encountered this phantom truck. It came speeding up the winding road towards us. I slowed down to an almost stop. My friend continued driving towards the racing truck almost like playing chicken with it. As my friend made a sharp turn as the road goes behind a huge mound, things got dark and quiet. I proceeded to speed up around the blind turn. My friend had drove off into a 10 ft. ditch and the truck was non-existent (gone). We put our hazards on and ran down to help out. Everyone was ok, and they all said the headlights of the truck became blinding and he steered off the road and instantly the lights were gone. $30 dollars and a tow truck later his car was pulled from the ditch with luckily minor damage. We all agreed that we would never return to challenge that again.

Here we are in 2010 and I am telling the story again and ready to return. (Yes, I have been through this road tons of times over the years during the day; but nighttime is different.) So we decided to take a drive up the road at night. We turned off the radio and opened the windows and drove slow. As soon as we hit that second sharp turn on a hill my truck stalled. Theresa looked at me and told me to stop messing around and I told her it was not me at all. I put the emergency brake and tried to restart my truck; wouldn't even turn over. I tried a second time and no start but my headlights turned off and hazards wouldn't work. We started to really panic. A third time it would not start. So I waited about 30 seconds and bravo my truck started. The headlights instantly lit up and my hazards starting flashing. I quickly put it in gear an took off.

Within 15 seconds after restarting and moving forward, I saw faint yellowish headlights come flying around the sharp turn at full speed behind me. Theresa looked back and was shocked as much as I was. I sped up and within seconds he was right on my bumper. The lights were so close and bright that I could make nothing out about the vehicle. I could see no one driving or the hood or the sides. It seemed as I sped up he sped up just as much. After 1 mile of winding downhill turns we came to the end of the road where it opens up and get wide and straightaway along the Big Gunpowder River. As soon as I made the final sharp left turn onto the straightaway I pulled over on the shoulder.

The truck went speeding past us heading down the road as we intently observed it. It was a red, well used, 1940ish pickup truck, with round yellowish headlights. There were no tail lights lit and no license plate. The creepy thing was we both looked into the cabin of the truck and we noticed no people inside (maybe the driver was pressed all the way in the seat to not be seen, who knows). This tale is exactly what many, many people have experienced on that small ~2 mile strip of road late at night. I experienced it twice!

Since this encounter I have driven many times on that road during the day. I noticed that there are two RIP signs along the road by the sharp turns of people whom have died there recently. When I was in high school rumor was that a few kids from our school had died there in the 1970's and early 80's. Beware if venturing late at night on that old road looking for the phantom, not joking either!

Seeing a Soul of the Past (2010)

This was an experience which occurred in a forest that I have been visiting for over 10 years.It seemed as if I were transported 400 years back in time to that very same location. This was not at all like a ghostly apparition; it was like a real life re-enactment of the past.

It was a beautiful fall afternoon. Most of the leaves on the trees had changed colors and many had already fallen off onto the forest floor. As I walked through the woods randomly between the trees each step had the typical seasonal crunch. It was perfect flannel shirt and jeans weather, a chill in the air and a warmth when in the suns direct light. And I was in my favorite wooded haunt to just relax and breath.

After a while walking amongst the big old trees, I sat down and began to give thanks and speak to my gods and the forest spirits. When my words and respect was given I stood up and decided to walk down to the small slowly moving river. Almost as soon as I stood up I noticed the silence and density in the forest had changed. I am familiar with this anomaly (when the forest goes quiet and dense, spirits or gods are present). I knew I was no longer alone.

As I approached the river, I had a pull to walk upstream along the bank. Not even a minute after, I started walking as silently as possible, I saw movement ahead around a turn in the river. I proceeded slowly and tip toeing to make not a sound. (I was very familiar with this river and this location had a rare small sandy beach leading into a 4 ft. deep watering hole beneath a large natural rock shelter. Very peaceful and quiet.) As I started to make the narrow turn, there was a large old tree which had fallen across the river. Its branches were thick with vines and leafy brush. The tree completely blocked out the left side of the bank from sight as it merges with the woods.

Suddenly a figure stood up from the center of the river from the water hole half behind the trunk of the tree. It was a deep tanned, lean, younger man with long black straight hair. He was wearing no shirt; and at that moment I thought maybe I walked up on some guy nude bathing in the river. (I got a little nervous and wasn't sure whether to made loud stomps so he would see me and move on or should I just turn back and walk away. I thought that if I walked away and he saw me walking off he would think I was a pervert or something and had been watching him. So I decided to make loud footsteps and step on the crunchy leaves as if I had noticed him yet). After all the noise I made, he did not even look over, but he crouched back down into the water, seeming to be cleaning himself or something. So I picked up a big rock and turned my back and threw it into the river. Then I turned back towards him, but he was still not seeing me. I knew something was odd now! So I watched him and his actions without proceeding forward.

He rose up out of the river a few times before finally walking towards the blocked out part of the beach by the forest edge. I moved outwards and forward so I could get a better view. I saw him much clearer as he got into the shallow water and near the beach. He had a small deer skin wrapped around his waist and privates. From head to toe he tanned exactly the same, no tan marks. His face was very Native American, and at that point I knew he was an American Indian. He still never looked over once as I was fully in the open and about 60-70 ft. away. As he proceeded to the beach I mildly yelled out, "Hey how ya doing man?" He continued to ignore me as if I were not even there.

He started to become fully blocked out by the tree branches, vines, weeds and bushes. He was quickly getting out of view. So now I thought, this guy is a spirit and I am witnessing the ways this river and shelter were used hundreds of years ago. I began to move towards his location as he walked out of view onto the beach. There was lots of brush on the bank so I had to cut into the dense brush to get around the trees and bushes. Within 30 seconds I popped out of the brush onto the trail in the forest about 30ft. from the beach. I looked to the beach and saw nothing; then to the open trails and forest around me, nothing. I moved non-stop to reposition to see where he was but nothing at all. I called out; and got no response. I was silent for 30 seconds and listened, but heard nothing. It was still dead quiet.

At this point I wanted to look for evidence. At the beach there were no footprints at all in the sand. The water hole was as clear to the bottom as possible; no evidence at all of disturbed water. Also the beach was dry along with the rocks. There was zero evidence of any disturbance; especially from someone wet and walking in the water and on the beach.

I sat down next to a very old sycamore tree on the beaches edge and said some more words of respect and understanding. About 5 minutes later the density and sounds in the forest slowly returned. I arose and it seemed as though I had returned to my world and time. It was an amazing brief experience.

Bus of the Dead (2012)

This dream (omen) I just had the other evening.

The dream started with me standing on a major road in the city near where I grew up. I was confronted by as odd as it seems, Bobcat Goldthwait, (yes, that goofy socially odd comedian from the 1980's) he had a small dog and a weird instrument. He started performing a really stupid comedy act on the roadside for me. Bobcat asked me, "Is this funny?" I said, "No." He asked what I was waiting for. I responded, "The bus". Seconds later, standing next to me was an old friend of my fathers, Rick. Rick softly said, "Boy, Bobcat really sucks at this." I commented, "He is trying at least and he is a nice guy." Rick responded with, "Being nice and trying doesn't always help."

I ran across the street as the bus was due to be there shortly. While standing at the bus stop I was joined by a pressman, Gil, that used to work for my father's small printing company in the 1980's-90's. Gil asked how I was doing and we exchanged greetings. An old man approached us (I cannot remember his description) and he asked if we knew where to buy a xylophone (weird I know). I told him to ask Bobcat across the street and laughed.

The bus pulled up. It was an old style mass transit bus like the ones from the 1950's. I jumped on and the bus was full so I sat in the last remaining seat at the front of the bus. The seat was one of those that face sideways, so you are looking across the bus. Next to me was Gil and across from me was Rick and the popular owner of a local bar, Frank. Everyone on the bus was quiet yet restless.

As I peered around the bus at everyone on board I started to realize some things that previously I did not. The physical world today as we read this and live, and the world of the dead. I was riding a bus in the world of the dead. (Rick was a friend of my fathers, a sales broker, that became very wealthy through some good fortune and hard work. He died of cancer at the age of 60 two years ago.) (Gil was an employee of my fathers ~15 years ago. He lived a tough life of bad luck and got drunk every night to make up for it. He died last year at the age of 66.) (Frank owned a traditional neighborhood bar near my father's business. He was well known for being a huge beast of a man and mean temper to go with it. He died of cancer last year around the age of 65.) (Another person on the bus was someone I never knew, but remember well. Everyone labeled him as the neighborhood crazy guy. I heard he was found dead two or three years ago in an alley.)

At that point I stopped looking around and thinking about these people's lives. I yelled to the bus driver that I wanted to get off at the next stop. He was an old happy go lucky black man, dressed as bus drivers did in the 1950's. The driver turned to me and said, "The next stop is a ways off." I stood up and moved over and leaned against the exit door. I said again, "Come on buddy. I need to get off here, I forgot something". He just smiled and ignored me. As I was leaning against the door it suddenly opened up fast. I said screw it and jumped off while the bus was still moving on. I landed on my feet and stared as the bus drove off down the road. I had an instant feeling of relief and then woke up.

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Seeing the Soul? (2005)

This story comes from my journal which I wrote the day after it occurred to me. It was an extremely stunning experience! I remember today as vivid as I did that night. I still ponder what it actually was.

In December 2005, early in the morning (3:33 am), I awoke to a degree in a half-state of consciousness. Just prior to awaking I had a dream of pure darkness. Not darkness in the comparison to a bad dream, but more as finding myself moving farther away from my physical state of being. (Yes, it does sound like an astral projection or an out of body experience; yet, I have had those experiences many times before and this was different, at least in ending.)

I was dreaming of my soul rising away from my physical body sleeping. I could see my body remaining on the bed. I passed through the curtains out of the window. I looked back at my home and then my neighborhood. Quickly I passed through the Earth's atmosphere. I saw the blackness of space with only stars far off being the only sources of light. This whole time I felt pure silence and numbness, exactly like my past out of body experiences.

Suddenly, I felt a whirlpool of energy spinning fast around me. (In my past OBE and AP I had never encountered this vortex of energy)  Instantly, I was lying again in my bed. I was completely awake at this point; but, I could not move or open my eyes. I was paralyzed and awake. A growing energy mass was spinning just above my chest. It was making a very deep pulsating sound and the pressure on my chest from the energy form was intense. My eyes could still not open as I began to here the sounds of my fan running in the room and the vehicles on the nearby highway. The power source seemed to get louder and louder, yet it seemed now to be fully within my head.

After what seemed like minutes of paralysis, but with full awareness; I urged myself with all my energy to open my eyes. My eyes slightly opened and I saw the object of the energy/ noise. The best way it could be best described was a watery, blackish, void-like, and slightly transparent vortex spinning fast much like a tornado. It was just barely touching my chest with the small end of the cone-like vortex. As I was still frozen in place I opened my eyes fully; now I was not scared but mesmerized. Many things were running through my head; is this death, is this my soul, is this an entity of some sort, is this an abduction, is this a portal, is this a spirit? The sound became deeper and more like a "whoomping sound". I tried more to move, but I was still frozen in place. Now I was not scared in anyway. I just accepted the moment and closed my eyes. A soft warmness overcame my body. My breathing was so relaxed to a point that I felt no need to breath. The warmness spread and I felt that maybe this is my soul returning to my body after a journey. The ease and peace was intense. After a minute I felt whole again and complete. My eyes could now easily open as the feeling of tranquility grew. It was night and I was back.


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Oberon and the Red Fox (2008)

This story comes from my journal. It was a strong astral dream I had in July 2009. My notes start with the following: "The astral dream was faint at first, then fast and powerful, then ended just at fast."

I was in a familiar forest and it was covered with downed branches, brush, and trees. I was not quite sure what I was doing. I do remember a presence, a large yet invisible presence next to and around me. I never saw the presence. It spoke to me in a deep yet calm smoothing voice.

I saw in the distance under the deep brush and broken branches; a scrappy, worn and old red fox. I remember a faint voice off in the distance saying not to approach the old fox. Suddenly the old red fox was wandering quietly towards me. Before I could move he was standing by my side. I wearyingly and cautiously reached my hand out. I felt no fear. He was very rough looking with large patches of hair missing. The old fox reached his head towards my hand and smelled it. Shockingly, he licked my hand and made a human-like smile.

Another voice (a different voice then before) softly and calmly said; "Oberon". I repeated the name in my head trying to remember where I have heard that name. Again the voice spoke out (slightly different); "Auberon". Then I recalled whom it was; Oberon, King of the Elves.

I suddenly awoke with a sharp breath of air.

A Strange Fellow (2012) Update!

The day after I posted this story, I saw this fellow again!

I was driving out of my parking lot. Across my parking lot is a 4 way stop as two roads cross.

As I was looking at the crossing I saw a car proceeding through the the intersection slowly. Suddenly from a small forested area on one corner I saw the Strange Fellow come running out (almost like a 5 second flash). He ran diagonally across the intersection in front of the car driving through. The car never stopped and it appeared that the car drove right through him. As the car went past, the Strange Fellow was no longer there. He dissipated into nothing.

Starting to put some pieces together now about this guy. I have some theories (and no he is not a ghost) I am almost positive that he is a nature entity.

An Elf it be! Due to his clothing, skin color, and appearance overall; I can say he is probably of Germanic, Danish, Belgian, or Dutch locale. So you will say; "Then why is he in America?" Simple answer: All nature entities (faeries) will and do move about the world. They usually move around due to a few reasons:

1)They follow families they have been close to or attached to for 100's of years as they immigrate to new countries. A faeries life may be 100's to 1000's of years long; so when they relocate, they stay for 100's of years outliving the human family it followed. The faerie may wish to be left alone or they may wish to find a new family to attach too.

2)The faerie could have been summoned by someone. It is accomplished in organized ritual or by repeatedly asking and leaving offerings for such an entity to assist you, or by tampering in things you are not familiar with and accidentally getting the attention of such an entity.

3)People with inherent high levels of mystical talents can draw entities to them naturally. Once an entity comes to them; they may find the human to be a perfect companion to be around and attach themselves to that human OR the entity may find the human to not be right for their needs then the entity may wander off.

4)Wandering faeries. Just as some humans do, so do some faeries. Not all faeries like group life, so they may be loners. These loners are known as "wandering or solitary faeries". These faeries are complex to say the least. a)They may have been very malevolent and asked to leave the community or b)They just choose to seek solo adventure. Either way a solitary fae may be good spirited or bad spirited.

So from my break down: I think this Strange Fellow is definitely solitary. Beings my area was predominately founded by German immigrants in the very early 18th century and his attire looked like traditional 18th century German clothing (minus the weird large boots); he probably followed over one of founding German families as they immigrated. Now the family is gone or moved off and he is wandering solo.

I hope to see him again. Next time I will attempt to communicate with him. 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

The Strange Fellow (2012)

I was walking my dog in Mid-April in my neighborhood as always during the afternoon. We were in the middle of another Indian Summer (it was abnormally very hot, around 92F that day). Other than the heat, it was no different than any other day. I looked over to my left as I saw someone walking. However, this person looked very unique and odd, and I had never seen him before. A guy that looked like this I would definitely have noticed before.

He was oddly short, maybe 4ft. tall. He had strikingly white skin (When I say white I mean whiter than any goth or redhead person could ever be. I am talking paper white.) His nose was narrow and pointy. He had an Abe Lincoln like beard. His hair was blonde. He was very thin; yet not boney. His walking stride was kinda clunky and his upper body seemed to flow differently then his legs and feet.

Now his clothes were just as odd. Honestly, it was very much like lederhosen. (Never would you see in my state, city, neighborhood someone wearing lederhosen; except, very rarely at an Oktober-Fest in October only). The hat he was wearing was kinda like a "Robin Hood" type pointed hat (I cannot remember the color). His shirt was a short sleeved, lighter reddish color. He had suspenders on that were black or close to black. His shorts were dark brown and looked like leather. He was wearing socks to his knees (I cannot remember the color). He had large clunky, bulky boots that were a darker color.

Well of course this guy looks really odd, but his actions add to the mystery.

When I first saw him he had just came walking out out of nowhere and I swear it seemed as if he walked out of a huge evergreen bush (12ft. tall and maybe 20ft.long). He never looked once at me and I was only ~60ft. away. Both my dog and I starred at him with a kind of amazement. He just kept walking in a straight line towards a small forest (maybe 20 yards wide and 200 yards long). He eventually stepped into the not very dense forest. I instantly started walking towards the forest as well. Within 10 seconds after he walked in, I walked into the forest at the same spot. I could easily see 50-60 yards through the forest, but I did not see him. I was very quiet and listened to hear footsteps (the bottom of the forest floor has tons of crunchy leaves) but I heard absolute silence. I walked halfway through the forest and still saw and heard nothing. The Strange Fellow just vanished!

Since this encounter, I have never seen him again. Nor have I ever seen anyone in my community that even closely resembles this guy. I still daily walk through these woods with my dog and have never seen anyone ever in there. It is an oddly abandoned small forest... no real life, but crows,blackbirds and sparrows.

Old Friends Return (2012)

As always old friends return year by year. Not humans, but my dragonfly and butterfly companions.

In early May, I was sitting in my truck with the windows down at a red light in the deep city. I had my arm (as usual) resting on the the window frame. Suddenly a beautiful monarch butterfly flew down and landed on my hand. Its head was facing my face. It seemed to just be starring at me. I slightly moved my hand closer to my body and it stayed there not moving. Right before the light changed red, he put his head onto my hand (almost looking as he kissed me). Then he flew off as the light changed.

In late May, I was walking my puppy out in a huge open field. As I was watching my puppy, he sat down just gazing around. Next thing I knew a yellow/ brown small butterfly landed on his nose and starred at him. My pup stayed very still and seemed shocked. His eyes were crossed looking at his new friend. They both stayed there for about 30 seconds, before the butterfly said goodbye and flew off.

Early June, I was down at my community pool laying out next to the water. A wonderful blue/green dragonfly started hovering around my head. Then he just flew off. A minute later he returned and did the same thing and flew off. And again he returned a minute later, but this time he landed on my chest. He sat there looking up at me for about 45 seconds. A girl laying out next to me, said, "hey you have a dragonfly on you". Instantly the dragonfly took off. I told her, "I know. I was communicating with him". (She gave me the oooh kay look and nodded) Good times!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Green Mist Ghost and Toys (1983)

I believe I have never shared this story much over past 20 years. Only My mom and friend Ed I know remember it because they were there.

  My parents had just recently divorced in 1983. My mother was seeing her first "new boyfriend". He was half Cherokee Indian and Irish. I remember as plain as day his house off of Reisterstown Road in Maryland; in fact, I could drive there today as it made such an impact. My mother would often stay over his house on the weekends while I was with my dad, grandparents, or Ed's house. I never spent the night there until this night.

  One weekend it was my turn to be with my mom and I was going to finally stay overnight at this guy's house for the first time. As always my friend Ed (my best friend from the early 70's to present day) was going to come over to stay the weekend with me (which was common). It gave me a comfort knowing I had a buddy around for this new place.

  We arrived at the house around noon from what I remember. Ed and I unloaded our 20 pound bags of action figures and toy vehicles. We were setup to sleep in sleeping bags in the large living room. This room was quite the central point of the house. The front door and dining room were open and visible to one side; the other side was a solid large, bay window view of the back yard; the opposite was the kitchen and the back door; and the other side was a wall and a Cosby like staircase which was fully exposed leading to the top floor. Seemed like a fun place to play.
  Around 2-3 pm (just estimating) my mom and her boyfriend said they were leaving to go out to the food store to shop for dinner and they would be back in a few hours. Of course in these days at 12 years old many divorced family children were rather responsible and fended well for themselves when left alone (myself included). So Ed and I happily stayed behind like many times before. This was the perfect chance to explore the new battleground.

  As soon as they left we dumped out all of our toys and divided our armies and built our bases. After a half hour or so we both heard a few loud thumps from upstairs. It stunned both of us but we ignored it. Not long after we heard a door shut upstairs. So we "bravely" grabbed some dumb weapon (can't remember, maybe a vase) and slowly wandered up the steps. We checked the rooms and all of the doors were shut and no one was there. So after returning to playing as most kids do, you ignore whatever happened. Soon after we would remember what was going on.

  Not long later we heard footsteps (kinda like bare feet thumps) walking across the floor above us. The foot steps were going straight towards the stairs. We froze sitting on the dining room floor about 15 ft. from the staircase. Slowly a greenish almost translucent mist started to roll down the stairs. As the walking sound continued to the top of the steps the mist got denser and then the footsteps stopped. Suddenly the mist became tall and very full in size. It was greenish/white and moved in a flowing way down the steps. Both of us began yelling and throwing toys at it. It continued down to the bottom step and got larger. We without saying anything ran out the open front door.
(A little background of the day. It was summer, warm and perfect outside. The house had no air, so the windows and doors were typically left open back in those days.This day was no different then other summer days; all of the windows and doors were left open and unlocked.)

  As soon as we got outside into the front yard, we turned and looked back. The front door slammed shut (loudly)! We then heard another slam or two; then we bolted off down the street towards the railroad tracks. No way were we going back until my mom was home. We spent it seemed like an hour or so playing on the railroad tracks discussing what had happened. After which we curiously returned back to the house. When we arrived, my mom was still not back yet. So we tried to open the front door and it was locked. We walked around back and the back door was now shut and locked. Then we thought we would peep in the windows and noticed that all of the windows were closed and the curtains and shades were drawn. So we sat on the front porch and waited.

   When they returned we ran up to them yelling excitedly about what happened. I think they heard nothing of what we were saying. Proof came when they asked why we locked the front door and closed the windows. After they entered we got the typical parental yelling of how hot is was in the house and why we shut and locked all the windows and doors. I think it took until the next day for them to finally here us out at breakfast.

   My mother's boyfriend never personally commented to me on the subject, but he definitely knew what was up. In fact, he was a cool guy and treated me well. However, they broke up not long after that. After which my mother openly told me that his Native American grandfather and grandmother died in that house upstairs in the same room. They had owned that house and had it built in the early 1900's after leaving a reservation in North Carolina. My mom's boyfriend told my mom upfront that his grandparent's still roam and protect the house and land around it. When his grandmother was on her death bed in the upstairs bedroom, his grandfather made all visitors and family be as quiet as possible for her peace. Years later his grandfather died in that same room and on his death bed he asked for silence in the house so he could hear her calling. He told my mother that she would see him, feel him and hear him every time she was in the house and she admitted to me that she had many encounters herself.

   Till that day when I was a kid playing in that house, his grandfather was still protecting that house and his grandson. I guess strange children loudly running around and throwing toys around truly upset the spirits. I can't blame the old spirit for being upset now that I look back on it. I wonder if he is still there?

Calling From the Dead (2004)

  (I have told a few of you this story and it returned to me today, so no better time to post it)
  I returned to the United States in September 2004 after living in Bermuda for a while. I had made a new friend while in Bermuda. She was from Northern, NJ outside of NYC. I talked with her often when I came back to Baltimore; and made a few weekend trips up to see her during the Fall. I actually enjoyed taking the back roads through Delaware and New Jersey on those beautiful Autumn afternoons.

  A few miles north of Princeton University I would pass an old cemetery. This cemetery was enclosed in a very old spiked wrought iron fence with a large, black gothic gate. The gate was always closed and locked every time I drove by. I had a constant pull to go in. One afternoon however the gate was open so I parked on the street and entered.

  There were no roads or walkways in the graveyard, just grass and tombstones. Also no one was around, it was empty and extremely quiet and peaceful. I looked at none of the headstones when I entered; as I was drawn to the back of the cemetery by a dense area of large cedar trees. As I got near the corner a stronger force pulled me to one headstone in particular. I kneeled down to read it. It read the following:

Here lies the body of
Ronald David Vons
Born: March 16th, 1771
Died: ??,??,18??

  (1. This is my full name; yet the last name is off by one letter. However, my paternal family with that name came to the United States in 1915 from Czechoslovakia and they changed the last name to what it is today from "Vons" for political reasons. 2. The birth date is my birth date; but exactly 200 years earlier. 3. Also at the top of the headstone was a signature skull and crossbones; which I have always loved and have a tattoo of on my arm for 20 years now.)

  After reading this I was very spooked and offered a few words of blessing and such at the grave spot. I never looked at any other headstones in that graveyard. I left immediately, got in my truck and rolled out. When I got to my destination I told a few people of this story. Everyone of course had varying opinions from curses, to purpose, contact from the dead, to past lives, and so one. They all did share the same thought, "Why didn't I get a picture"? Oddly, I have a few excuses: 1. I didn't have a camera phone in those days.  2. I was too freaked out to even think about it.  3. My very nice expensive camera had literally gotten stolen from my truck the week prior.

  On my way home I purchased an instant camera to get that picture; yet again the graveyard was locked up tight. I only went back up that way one more time after this occurrence and as to be expected the cemetery remained locked up and closed to the public.