Lately I have been questioning a few things regarding the paranormal world which I have observed on TV or through books or through my own life's observations. These are nothing more than a few variables to ponder.
The Witching Hour is a modern day term deemed at first by the Witchcraft
community. It has quickly become an accepted term in the paranormal
"ghost" community. It is defined simply as the most powerful time of the
day in which entities of all paranormal forms (demons, spirits, etc) may "access" the physical plane of existence in which we humans live daily. The hours are defined as 3am-4am worldwide.
Question: How does day light savings play into this? As believers in the witching hour say it is always the 3am hour year
around; however, would not day light savings bump the witching hour back
to the 2am hour? Or do spirits and demons respect our clock changes?
This opens up a huge Pandora's box of questions. Are spirits and
demons subject to a time frame created by mankind on a plane in which
they do not exist?
Ghost Hunters brought serious attention worldwide to the ghost hunting experience and reality of ghosts. Many shows spawned from this original show and I have noticed a repeated error over the past decade with all of these shows.
Observation: 1) When these teams are in non-English speaking foreign countries hunting ghosts they speak English to lure the ghosts or to get EVPs. They often get evidence and claim it to be a ghost, yet how would an ancient ghost understand not only English, but modern English and speak English. It was extremely uncommon prior to the 19th century for anyone to speak multiple languages, education and need was just not there for the everyday person. The best two examples of this: An episode in Mayan Ruins where all the investigators were speaking English to the early Mayan ghosts. They got some EVPs which they interpreted as Spanish for meaning... Impossible, Mayan's did not ever speak Spanish, they spoke Mayan which is nothing even close to Spanish. The second example was an episode on Easter Island and the investigators were speaking English. They got a few EVPs which they claimed said "help" and "leave" in English.
2) Ghost investigators repeatedly on all shows ask spirits to "talk into this recorder". How would any spirit possibly know what a voice recorder is if they were from anytime prior to the early 19th century?
Reincarnation or Spirits Visiting is a deep question and has so many variables and explanations; however, many faiths believe in reincarnation and the fact that family spirits still visit or can be summoned. This is a tough one but worth exploring in your own mind. Playing devil's advocate I offer the following.
Questions to ponder: 1) Often people say that their paranormal experience was a deceased family relative paying a visit. Mediums claim to openly talk to deceased spirits for people. So if so many family members can still be contacted via mediums would that dispute that reincarnation is bogus? When people claim and old deceased relative visits in spirit that would also defend that reincarnation is fake. A defender would state that they have "not crossed over"; however, does it not seem odd that almost every person claims that family members in spirit visit over and over throughout the years? When people ask for help from a deceased family member would that not suggest that reincarnation is not real?
2) Many mainstream religions claim a deceased person goes to a peaceful "heaven" or "paradise". If this is so, reincarnation is impossible; yet, many religions believe solidly in reincarnation. A faith path cannot have it both ways. There must be a better, more feasible answer.
3) Faith's which summon old spirits obviously accept that reincarnation is not real. How could one summon or call for a deceased person if they have already been reincarnated?
4) For those who believe wholly in reincarnation would say some spirits have not crossed over; yet, those who have crossed over are reincarnated. This would suggest that there is no final resting place or paradise. A spirit is an energy which exists in an endless cycle of physical being.
5) If a person believes in neither reincarnation nor ghosts it could suggest one of the following: a energy form takes existence on the physical plane and deteriorates over time and dies or an energy takes on a physical form and dies in time leaving the energy form which resides off into a higher conscious or paradise. If this is so, than where does the spirit come from to exist within a living physical form on this plane and why would it do this?
I personally have my own theories on existence (physical and spiritual) as do many faiths. My purpose in this short post was just to throw deep questions out there which we should all ponder. I think that both reincarnation and ghosts are possible to co-exist and do. A future blog will offer my insights.
Time Travel is a concept which I have addressed before on my blog. I just want to re-post the simple facts.
Observations: 1) First answer this question: do you believe that time travel will ever be possible? If you say no... then read no further. If you say, yes? You understand that be 2,000 years in the future or 100,000 years in the future, time travel will easily be possible due to major evolution in technology or alien technology or relations with other worldly being or whatever; I would say you are brilliant and I agree with you!
2) So you said, yes? Then time travel is already possible and is occurring. It is real! We must understand though that time is constant in all directions. I don't want to go into deep physics, but the answers are out there. We presently cannot access time travel, because at our present vibration on the string of our plane of existence has not yet experienced the development of time travel yet. However, visitors in our distant future at some point have already created the ability of time travel and with that said... they are actively coming back to any point in time as they wish.
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