This story is only one of dozens from my life regarding personal items suddenly vanishing and re-appear or are found in strange places way later. People whom have been a large factor in my life have also been "victim" to the pranksters which follow me everywhere. This is one of the most interesting stories.
In the 2000's, I often worked in Bermuda for months at a time. When working out of country I really hated carrying lots of luggage so I would pack rather light using just one suitcase. I never took jewelry or anything of great personal value; except, one of two rings which had spiritual meaning to me for protection for my journey. On this trip, I took a silver ring which was a gift from my mother. The design and imagery on the ring is personal and has a lot to do with my oneness with nature.
During my stay in Bermuda, I wore my ring everyday always having it on me. On my last day on the island I packed my luggage and went to the airport. Check in was easy and fast, like always. As soon as I got off the airplane back at home I realized that my ring was gone. I was not wearing it and honestly don't remember putting it on in the morning. When I got home I quickly unpacked and searched high and low and could not find my ring anywhere. I searched every pocket of my clothes, every nook in my luggage and everything that was with me on the trip; I could not find it. Now I got worried that it was lost on the island. I checked the house next in every possible place in case I dropped in walking in and I found nothing.
Being the same day that I came home, I started making the phone calls. First I called my friend in Bermuda whom I stayed with throughout my trip. He searched everywhere and found nothing. I called the Bermuda airport and they reported nothing being found. I called the airlines and they said nothing was found in the plane or the baggage area. I now knew it was long gone. My last ditched effort was to ask the nature spirits (fae) which I regularly work with through ritual and daily life. After a month or so it never showed up so I figured it was gone and I forgot about it.
Advance a few months to December 21st (yes the Yule); I was heading out to a holiday party. It was a really cold night and I decided to wear my heavy winter coat. I pulled it out of my coat closet and put it on. I placed my hands in the pockets and to my surprise I felt something in the pocket. I pulled out my lost ring! I was stunned and had no clue where it came from and how it got there and why it was hidden there. I was so excited I told everyone that night and everyone was coming up wild theories; regardless, I was happy it was returned to me. I feel to this day it was my fae friends helping me out; then teasing me by hiding it. Glad its back.
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