One of my best friends for almost 30 years was my friend "Rat", as he was nicknamed. He earned his nickname because of his love for collecting old things he found in the forest or on roadsides; then restoring those objects by turning them into artwork. He real name was John.
I first remember meeting Rat in the 1970's when I was 5 or 6 years old. He owned a small auto body shop in a huge used car lot in Baltimore City. My grandfather was retired and worked part time at the car lot. My grandfather would pick me up after school and I would go down to the car shop with him. I loved hanging out there running around all the old cars. I first met John by spying on him in his little workshop. John was a young guy maybe 25 or so. He had a passion for fixing up old motor bikes and cars. He used to show me all his creations and it was cool!
Zip forward to 1990...
I started working at my fathers small business which happened to be across the street from that used car lot. I started bumping into Rat daily and we became friends rather quick. By the mid-1990s he would hangout from time to time with my friends and me at bars, clubs and concerts. He was very young at heart and was quite the loner. He only had 2 other close friends; however, everyone knew him. The best term for Rat would be a wanderer and free spirit.
On a Thursday in May 2016 I suddenly started thinking about my old friend Rat. At that point I had not saw him in about 7 months or so. So I decided to drive down to his shop and say hi. When I first laid eyes on him, he didn't look the same. He had a limp and looked kind of frail. He was always proud of his thick dark Italian hair, but now it was thin and dried out looking. After about 30 minutes of catching up he told me that he suddenly became very stiff throughout his body in January. He was diagnosed with severe cholesterol blockage through his entire body. Rat said that he had been going through lots of treatment to clear his veins the past few months. It was stunning he never had a heart attack or stroke at this point. When I left him he said, "Hey enjoy life man. I will see you again sometime." This was very odd words from him, he never spoke like that. (I must make clear that Rat loved to go out all night and drink beer at his local bars and go to local concerts and after parties. One of his friends was the famous John Waters, who was from that area and would often come back and party with old friends. Rat lived hard and never stopped.)
On Friday the day after my visit, my father called me late in the day. My father said he was not sure if I heard but John died while in routine treatment that day. He had a massive heart attack while under anesthesia and they could not save him.
John had no burial plans as his entire family was dead (On a very odd side note... John's father had him when he was 62 years old and his mother was 52 years old. John's father died at 99 years old in One of his closest friends had to take the reigns. It was decided to simply do a cremation and no funeral service because there was no money for it. He was cremated and a local bar he frequented had a night in honor to him. That was that.
The next part is a series of lucid dreams I had with Rat. There were 3 lucid dreams. I believe in each episode Rat visited "ghostly" throughout the day; then we met up in dreamland that night. I questioned him about the afterlife and he offered some great insight. On a side note: Every night before I would see him; I would smell cigarette smoke in my home. In my house no one smokes and even none of my neighbors smoke. John however did smoke and repeatedly tried to quit throughout his life but never beat it.
1) About a week after John passed I had my first connection with my old friend (I think at this point it is respectful to use his Earthly given name). I was in a city and it was night. There were bright lights and signs everywhere. Oddly there were no cars and no ambient annoying sounds. As I looked around people were everywhere walking. There were lots of buildings and "businesses if you will". I heard music coming from one street and I wandered over. Everyone was ignoring me as if I didn't exist. I came to a long line down an alley that was going into a club that was playing loud music. The building was covered with bright neon lights.
As I got in line suddenly I saw John walking down the alley. He came directly over to me and with so much joy said "Hey"! I quickly said, "You are dead"! He said as plain as day, "Yes I know". I told him I felt bad that he died. He said in a few sentences, no need to worry, he is completely happy and doing fine. I noticed his hair was long and flowing in his typical mid-length feathered hairstyle. It looked great and his skin looked so fresh and nicely tanned. He looked amazing!
He said that he was sure I had lots of questions to catch up. I of course did not take a breath before asking questions of the afterlife. Much of what I was told was amazing and not what I expected.
I asked him to tell me about what it is like: He said, "The Heaven he is in is nothing like we are told". He said, "His dimension is what he loved most in his past life. But there are huge differences... The clubs and parties are everywhere but there is no smoking, no alcohol, no drugs and no negative energy. Everyone is happy with no issues and nothing to worry about. Everyone has similar personalities but here they are free from the worries of life."
Next he told me to not worry about him, he loves this new world. He said everything is exactly like on Earth (a mirror image) with no negativity, crime and carnage. He could travel to anywhere he wanted instantaneously. Everyone was friendly and peaceful. His last words to me were, "Tell everyone he is doing fine and very happy. He misses everyone and was sorry he left so fast."
Suddenly I was shocked back to our world and woke up instantly.
2) A few months later I again had a lucid dream in his dimension. I knew I was in a lucid dream state. I instantly started looking for why I was here. I was walking down the center of a street at night in the middle of a city. I knew I was in the same place as before. I heard my name called out and saw John coming over to me. His hair was highlighted in pink which looked really strange. I asked him about it and he said he was in Canada for a few months and had it done to try something new and fun. He looked very happy and this time he had new friends with him. I did not recognize his friends but they all seemed happy.
John asked me about our world. I updated him on everything. He relayed a few messages to tell a close friend of his that he missed. (This is where things get real) John said I need to tell his friend Dean (whom I was and am still friends with) to look in the box of collectables that Dean packed after John's death. In the bottom is a black ring box. In there is John's St Christopher gold necklace that he wore his whole life. He said Dean is looking for it.
After our catching up he said I should go back. He mentioned he still has a lot to learn and do. Then he mentioned he would talk to me soon.
The next day I called Dean. Dean luckily was home. I told Dean I had a message for him from Rat. (I had already told Dean of the previous lucid dream so he was onboard) Dean told me he had been looking for that for a few weeks because he wanted to hang it up in his house next to his urn. After an an hour Dean called me back stunned! He said the chain was exactly where I told him. We both were exchanging profanities on how wild this was. Dean then told me that every time he tried to find he would Rat where is was aloud.
3) Our final lucid encounter was in 2018. I remember the day well because it was an extremely hot, humid summer day and my conditioner broke. (It was fixed later that day fyi) This time was different and it was rather short but sweet.
I found myself walking along a sandy beach on the Chesapeake Bay (John's weekend favorite place to be, on his boat) No one at all was around and it was very tranquil and quiet. Coming down the beach towards me I saw a figure and I knew it was John. This time he gave me a hug, which is something we never did. He had a huge smile on his face and he seemed excited and in a rush. He in a very sincere tone told me "it was great knowing me and he loved our adventures together". He thanked me for passing messages on. Then he said "it was time for him to move on". I asked where he was going and he simply replied, "Back!". I suddenly opened my eyes and was very happy and very sad, Was he being reborn to Earth or back to Heaven or....
Since this last encounter I have never heard from him again. I have also never smelled smoke in my house again. In my spiritual sensing side I no longer feel he is around or elsewhere. I made a picture box dedicated to him which hangs in my office today.
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