As always old friends return year by year. Not humans, but my dragonfly and butterfly companions.
In early May, I was sitting in my truck with the windows down at a red light in the deep city. I had my arm (as usual) resting on the the window frame. Suddenly a beautiful monarch butterfly flew down and landed on my hand. Its head was facing my face. It seemed to just be starring at me. I slightly moved my hand closer to my body and it stayed there not moving. Right before the light changed red, he put his head onto my hand (almost looking as he kissed me). Then he flew off as the light changed.
In late May, I was walking my puppy out in a huge open field. As I was watching my puppy, he sat down just gazing around. Next thing I knew a yellow/ brown small butterfly landed on his nose and starred at him. My pup stayed very still and seemed shocked. His eyes were crossed looking at his new friend. They both stayed there for about 30 seconds, before the butterfly said goodbye and flew off.
Early June, I was down at my community pool laying out next to the water. A wonderful blue/green dragonfly started hovering around my head. Then he just flew off. A minute later he returned and did the same thing and flew off. And again he returned a minute later, but this time he landed on my chest. He sat there looking up at me for about 45 seconds. A girl laying out next to me, said, "hey you have a dragonfly on you". Instantly the dragonfly took off. I told her, "I know. I was communicating with him". (She gave me the oooh kay look and nodded) Good times!
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