My first recorded astral projection. (Strange stuff journal: dated 1992)
I had a few astral projections before this one, yet this was the strongest to that point of my life and the first I recorded. I had just moved into my parents new house, since I was in college and broke. I recall covering all the walls in my sanctuary with recording studio sound proof foam (except for the large window). I really wanted peace and quiet!
Last night was a brisk, cold, late February night. The sky was clear and full of stars. Prior to my meditation I opened my window to let the heavens and cold air in. I turned on some deep transient music very low. After turning out all the lights I lit a single white candle and placed it in front of me on the floor. The room cooled down very fast, but while in deep meditation I feel nothing but oneness. (Note: During this period of time I was deep meditating a few times a week in the late evening using a secret ancient Shaolin technique which I was taught by Sifu Goh.)
I quickly entered a deep state. My first memory was inside of my body watching my heart. I seemed to be able to slow my heart rate at will, so I slowed it to no beats at all. The next thing I knew I felt my soul lift from my body upwards. As I gained my bearings I looked downward and saw my lifeless physical body still in position. I could float around very free and wave like. As I peered towards the window, I saw that it was open. So I approached and flowingly flew outside. I turned back an saw my body through the window frame still in position.
Next I was floating upwards towards the dark sky. I looked back the whole time as I saw my house from above, then my neighbors house and finally the neighborhood. The street lights were dim and the homes were dark. Within seconds I sped up and when I looked back I saw Baltimore City off in the distance glowing bright, but I continued towards the heavens. Again I sped up and when I looked back I saw the east coast with all the cities glowing like you see in pictures from space. I never turned back at that point.
As I focused my whole energy towards flying ahead. I passed the moon and saw the dark side which made a pitch black circle on the Earth. Speeding up I passed Jupiter, Saturn and then Pluto, which I barely noticed. Next things became very dark and I could see galaxies everywhere in the far distance, but they seemed to far to reach.
After a while of moving around the darkness looking at the galaxies, things got very dark. The absence of light grew to the point of pitch dark and I could not see anything. I had no fear however. Things slowly began to get warm and I saw a small whitish/yellow light far off. I was pulled towards it and at first fought the pull, but to no avail. Before I knew it I was overwhelmed by a massive object which could be described as a black hole in appearance. It was not a spiral but a massive sun type object bright white with yellow edges. It was very blurry and flowing, but not like fire or water. In the center was a small, black abyss, which seemed and felt like nothingness.
I heard a voice soft yet vast, as if it were everywhere around me. The voice said, "Come." I stayed still and began to interpret what I was experiencing. I was numb and could not move, frozen in time. The next thing the voice said was, "Join us." I started to panic, but not with fear, but with what choice to make. I wanted to go, but I wanted to stay. Before I knew it I felt a massive tug from behind, as if I had a leash attached to me, like a dog being pulled back to its owner. At the very second I started to go backwards the object said something in a wispy, gibberish voice and it faded as I was pulled back.
Within seconds and fast flashes of light, I was slammed into my physical body. I instantly took a massive deep breath and leaned back. The candle had fully burned out and the cd had ended. The room dark, but I could see clearly. After a minute I came fully back to myself, as if I had been knocked out. The last very odd occurrence I experienced was when I looked at my alarm clock. I always remember when I start a meditation. I always start on the hour. I started my meditation at midnight, the same clock said 3:33am.
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