Friday, May 20, 2011

First Astral Projection (1992)

My first recorded astral projection. (Strange stuff journal: dated 1992)

I had a few astral projections before this one, yet this was the strongest to that point of my life and the first I recorded. I had just moved into my parents new house, since I was in college and broke. I recall covering all the walls in my sanctuary with recording studio sound proof foam (except for the large window). I really wanted peace and quiet!

Last night was a brisk, cold, late February night. The sky was clear and full of stars. Prior to my meditation I opened my window to let the heavens and cold air in. I turned on some deep transient music very low. After turning out all the lights I lit a single white candle and placed it in front of me on the floor. The room cooled down very fast, but while in deep meditation I feel nothing but oneness. (Note: During this period of time I was deep meditating a few times a week in the late evening using a secret ancient Shaolin technique which I was taught by Sifu Goh.)

I quickly entered a deep state. My first memory was inside of my body watching my heart. I seemed to be able to slow my heart rate at will, so I slowed it to no beats at all. The next thing I knew I felt my soul lift from my body upwards. As I gained my bearings I looked downward and saw my lifeless physical body still in position. I could float around very free and wave like. As I peered towards the window, I saw that it was open. So I approached and flowingly flew outside. I turned back an saw my body through the window frame still in position.

Next I was floating upwards towards the dark sky. I looked back the whole time as I saw my house from above, then my neighbors house and finally the neighborhood. The street lights were dim and the homes were dark. Within seconds I sped up and when I looked back I saw Baltimore City off in the distance glowing bright, but I continued towards the heavens. Again I sped up and when I looked back I saw the east coast with all the cities glowing like you see in pictures from space. I never turned back at that point.

As I focused my whole energy towards flying ahead. I passed the moon and saw the dark side which made a pitch black circle on the Earth. Speeding up I passed Jupiter, Saturn and then Pluto, which I barely noticed. Next things became very dark and I could see galaxies everywhere in the far distance, but they seemed to far to reach.

After a while of moving around the darkness looking at the galaxies, things got very dark. The absence of light grew to the point of pitch dark and I could not see anything. I had no fear however. Things slowly began to get warm and I saw a small whitish/yellow light far off. I was pulled towards it and at first fought the pull, but to no avail. Before I knew it I was overwhelmed by a massive object which could be described as a black hole in appearance. It was not a spiral but a massive sun type object bright white with yellow edges. It was very blurry and flowing, but not like fire or water. In the center was a small, black abyss, which seemed and felt like nothingness.

I heard a voice soft yet vast, as if it were everywhere around me. The voice said, "Come." I stayed still and began to interpret what I was experiencing. I was numb and could not move, frozen in time. The next thing the voice said was, "Join us." I started to panic, but not with fear, but with what choice to make. I wanted to go, but I wanted to stay. Before I knew it I felt a massive tug from behind, as if I had a leash attached to me, like a dog being pulled back to its owner. At the very second I started to go backwards the object said something in a wispy, gibberish voice and it faded as I was pulled back.

Within seconds and fast flashes of light, I was slammed into my physical body. I instantly took a massive deep breath and leaned back. The candle had fully burned out and the cd had ended. The room dark, but I could see clearly. After a minute I came fully back to myself, as if I had been knocked out. The last very odd occurrence I experienced was when I looked at my alarm clock. I always remember when I start a meditation. I always start on the hour. I started my meditation at midnight, the same clock said 3:33am.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Time Travel

Is time travel real and possible?

One simply must ask oneself this question: "Do you ever feel time travel will be possible in the future?"

If you say, no, well read no further. If you say, yes, then read on.

If believing that time travel in the distant future at any point will become a reality, then it already is right now. Those from the future are already able to come back to this point of time and they do. So what are our future time travelers? Simply they could be anything, of any form, new races, new species, alien species, or simply drone observing ships. When UFOs are seen could they possibly be time machines? Maybe the simple disk type UFOs are the early versions of time machines and the advanced wavy, sleek, cloaking and glowing types are more advanced time machines from the deep future. At some point these machines would have to be common for usage, but probably have restrictions or other forms of barriers to prevent devastation to the past.

Next time a UFO is seen over a volcano or during a war or prior to a natural disaster, think inside that it may just be a history class from the future, learning in first person.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

My Strange Conception Story

Well for my first blog I want to tell the tale of how "I" began in this physical body.

My entire life has been full of wild stories and encounters, this was the first one. I am giving the following accounts  through my mom's rarely told story. My father having been divorced from my mom for 30 years now, tells the same story.

It was May 1970. My mother (17) and father (19) had been dating a while. Until this one evening they were both virgins. This evening was to be special since my father was leaving the next day for army basic training. They were parked on a forested dirt road in Loch Raven Reservoir, Maryland. It was dark out and prior to midnight. (Loch Raven has always been known as a place of strange occurrences from the earliest days.)

My mother and father had just began the "deed" for their first time ever. Suddenly the radio in the car went dead and the car would not start. They both looked out of the open windows and saw a silent, dark, round shape in the sky hovering just above the tree line. Instantly, a super bright white light suddenly shot down from out of the sky. They recalled that the light was so bright that they were blinded. Next they woke up what seemed to be minutes later. They looked at each other and asked what had happened. The car started right up. The old school dial clock on the dash was reading many hours after when they arrived. My mother checked her watch on her wrist which was running and the time was hours earlier. To say the least they rushed home and spoke of this to no one. My parents were straight laced in those times (no drugs and no alcohol).

The following day, my father left. A month later my mother found out she was pregnant with me. She tells me from time to time that she knew this was a sign that she was going to have her hands full with me. Oh boy did she ever!