Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Ball Lightning and Lightning Strikes (1992-2016)

Ball lightning is a well known, but unexplained phenomenon that occurs everywhere, usually prior to or during a thunderstorm. I have had four encounters with ball lightning and each time I had witnesses with me. These are my big four encounters that happened directly to me and the final story is an observation of ball lightning I had from a distance. I have heard stories about this my whole life and it said that it is extremely rare to ever experience ball lightning; let alone I had four direct encounters and saw another from a distance. (I have added two more experiences with lightning strikes which occurred recently. Not Ball Lightning, but Lightning Bolts.)

 Summer 1992: Just prior to a major evening thunderstorm I was in the kitchen of my parents house. I placed a mug of water in the microwave to heat up. After I took my cup out of the microwave; I saw a mild flash outside in the yard. A second after the small flash, I was standing in front of the sink when I noticed a glow down the drain pipe. Within a second later, a white-yellowish ball of lightning about the size of a tennis ball came out of the drain pipe of the sink and instantly burst. The entire kitchen lit up and at the same time a massive thunder boom was at the exact time the ball exploded. I got blown back into the wall and my coffee mug on the counter exploded. My father and mother were in the next room and came rushing in. They said they saw the enormous flash and heard the massive boom come from the kitchen. Fortunately, I was not hurt at all; except, my ears were ringing and I could barely hear for a few hours.

Summer 1996: I was playing golf with three friends. Dark clouds were building, but no storm yet, so we were rushing to finish the hole and leave. I was off on the edge of the fairway near a line of tall pine trees. Out of nowhere a glowing, yellowish lightning ball about the size of a golf ball (pardon the pun) appeared next to a tree about 20 ft from me. Within a second it exploded and the thunder boom was exactly at the same time. I felt a static feeling over my entire body and the hair on my arms and legs was standing up. My friends were scattered about 100 ft from me and two of them witnessed it. The described exactly what I saw and we all agreed that it formed and exploded so fast that we had no time to move or even drop to the ground.

Summer 2002: I was in my home office and my wife was in the other room. The office door was open and my wife could see into the room that I was working in. A bad thunderstorm had just started and my wife literally told me that I should turn the computer off. I thought nothing of it and continued working on the computer. About two or three minutes later, I saw a faint flash outside the window about 50 ft away. Within a brief second a whitish-yellow lightning ball about the size of a marble quickly came through the edge of the window sill. It was moving extremely fast and struck the power strip which the computer and other devices were plugged into. There was a quick flash and a thunder boom at the exact second just outside of the window. My wife came running in and said she saw the flash come from the room and asked if I was ok. I was perfectly fine, but kind of stunned. It burned out my printer, DVD player and monitor.

Fall 2006: I had just purchased a new truck and I had gone off roading with my friend Ed. We were in a wildlife refuge near the Outer Banks, NC. A bad thunderstorm developed rather quick so we decided to just hunker down parked on a dirt road not near any trees, but in the open. The rain was extremely heavy, but ended rather quick. We were just relaxing as the rain stopped and were about to get back to ripping up some mud trails. Suddenly, a yellowish lightning ball about the size of a baseball appeared floating slowly downwards towards the ground about 10 ft in front of my truck (in true time this probably was about 2 seconds). As it got near the ground it just exploded in a blinding flash with an instant loud boom. We both looked at each other and basically used a lot of "choice" words in excitement of what we just saw. There was no effect on my truck as it was still running fine.

Summer 2010: This was a distant observation of a lightning ball I had with a co-worker. I was at work, working on a private estate out in the rural countryside. We were working outside all day until a typical, late afternoon thunderstorm developed. We took cover in the house and were watching the field and forest from the kitchen windows. My friend and I were both watching the trees bend in the wind; but, it was not raining yet. As always within a brief second we both saw a yellowish-orange lightning ball that was rather huge form by the edge of the forest roughly 150 yards away. It floated long enough that my friend said, "Holy shit do you see that?" then instantly it flashed and exploded. A massive thunder boom followed just after. The tree is exploded next was damaged. The bark was blown off and the bark around the bald spots left was burnt black. The tree never died and exists today. We shared this story with plenty of people and if they were at the estate we showed them the tree.

March 2016: I bought a Victorian era, large "Green Man" iron knocker at an antique shop. I had in mind a perfect location on a 200+ year old white oak tree directly behind my house. After mounting it on the great tree, two days later, a massive (out of season) thunderstorm rolled through late at night. I was sitting in my living room with clear view of my patio deck and the tree, when a bright lightning bolt struck directly there. My power flashed off for a few seconds. I ran out to check and noticed no fire or obvious damage. A few days later while out on my deck I noticed a bare strip of no bark starting at the green man knocker and twisting straight up the tree beyond sight. The knocker had blackened spots on the edges where prior it was faded green. I assume that the heavens noticed my new offering of respect to nature and gave it the ultimate blessing.

July 2016: When buying a new house that has some age to it, it always comes with surprise repairs. My first major repair was the need of a new well. My new well was drilled, wired, plumbed and finished in early July. The first week after the install a pounding thunderstorm in the early morning hours came rolling through. I awoke to the sound of thunder and lightning getting closer and closer. Suddenly and massive flash and boom lit the whole house up. I could tell it was very close and I ran out to check the tree (with the green man iron knocker on it) to see if it was struck again, but it looked all good. After the storm passed I went back to bed only to woken by an odd faint scent of burning rubber an hour or so later. I walked the whole house and found nothing. Before going back to bed I heard a fizzing sound from the basement. I went down to find the well pump electrical box pouring black smoke out. I tripped the fuse box and it quickly burned out. Upon calling my well installer the next day, he came to repair it and confirmed that my new well was struck by a lightning bolt. He said that it is extremely rare and he has only only seen it once in 35 years. I told my past experiences with lightning and he laughed and agreed that this was yet another strike within feet of me to add to my stories.

Oddly, by writing this series of encounters with ball lightning, I have realized that I have an occurrence just about every four years. Luckily I have not been hurt yet. My many friends and family members that have had these experiences with me always joke me about it when a bad thunderstorm is approaching. I would just figure everyone would want to experience it with me at least once (kidding of course).

Friend Breaks Ritual Location Rule (2007 Part 2)

In a previous post I told about a good friend that I took on a personal Pan ritual with me. My top rule for him was that he never return to this sacred location without me (unless just hiking past), never attempt a ritual here, never bring anyone here and reveal its purpose or powers and never hangout or party here. This writing is about how he broke those major rules just one month later and I caught him there via a powerful possession (aspecting) by Pan on me.

Chuck very much enjoyed and learned a great deal about the power of Pan during a ritual I allowed him to join me in. He swore to follow the rules which I disclosed to him. I warned him that if these rules were broken he could face serious mental, physical or spiritual harm, not from me, but from the powers that be at that sacred site. He broke all of these rules just one month after he joined me in a ritual there.

In July of 2007, I was out with an old friend having dinner. As dinner was ending I started to get an overwhelming feeling to leave. So after a few minutes those powerful feelings took over and I told my friend I had to get going. It was around 10pm when I was driving home and I felt a very familiar presence, Pan. I felt and heard Pan's voice in my head telling me to go to the ritual location which I took Chuck to. He was telling me that he was very angry at Chuck. Instantly, I just knew that Chuck was at the sacred site with someone.

When I pulled up to the location that I park at, I saw Chuck's car parked there. As soon as I got out of my vehicle I was instantly slammed with Pan aspecting (possessing) my body. My body was now his vessel. I remember walking up to the edge of the forest and everything then begins to fade from memory. Next thing I remember I was standing beside a large tree close to Chuck. He was drinking, smoking, eating food and playing a guitar with his girlfriend directly in the center of my sacred ritual spot. He had a few candles burning and incense. They were laughing and speaking very loudly. Next she stood up and started throwing rocks from the site across the river at the rock shelter. Now I went blank again and can only tell what Chuck and his girlfriend later told me a few days later.

In Chuck's words (not mine): "We had had a few beers and were smoking pot earlier in the night and I (Chuck) stupidly decided to take my girlfriend down to the ritual spot to show off. I was calling out to Pan and was telling Pan that we were there to celebrate for him. We (he and his girlfriend) were there about an hour; hanging out, drinking, smoking some pot, eating fast food, playing the guitar and talking. Trish stood up and was throwing rocks across the river; when she turned around she saw you standing out in the open, next to a tree about 20 ft away. She completely froze scared and I (Chuck) looked up and noticed you standing there."

"I was completely frightened by you and your appearance. You (me, the author of the blog) were wearing no shirt and no shoes, just shorts. Your face was reddish-brown and your eyes were glowing red, literally glowing brightly. Your hair was all messed up and fading in and out we both noticed you appeared to have short horns poking out of your hair. The tops of your hands and forearms had faint but obvious dark, shaggy hair (which I have no hair on my arms normally). Your chest was very dirty and dark brown. Your feet were covered with faint, yet obvious, dark shaggy hair. Your legs matched your chest, brown and dirty."

"As we stood frozen and scared as hell, you just stared at us with your head tilted slightly down with a very angry face. You were in a square standing stance with your fingers doing a rolling like, claw movement. Then you spoke up in a voice that was very deep and not your normal voice. You (me the author of the blog) told us to get out, now, leave and you pointed towards the trail out. We quickly gathered our stuff and started apologizing. You started saying over and over in that deep voice, that we disrespected Pan. As we were rushing up the trail we could hear you moving next to us in the dense brush and trees. We could not understand how you were gliding through the brush and thorns with ease and it made us more nervous. You followed us all the way to the edge of the forest. When we exited the forest you told us to never return and at that point we started running to our car."

Suddenly, I snapped out of the possession and found myself crouched down in a dense briar of bushes, shrubs and green briar. I saw Chuck's car pulling off. I was exhausted and felt like I ran a marathon. I sat down there and relaxed for about ten minutes trying to recall what happened after I blanked out. I could only remember a few flashes of what happened. I could not find my shirt and shoes. The oddest thing which occurred next is I found my keys sitting next to my truck on the ground. I may have just dropped them there, but who knows. That evening I did not return to the ritual spot, I felt it was best to leave it be for the evening.

The following day I returned to the ritual location in the afternoon. It was clean and clear; there was no sign that anything even happened. I felt it best to not talk to Chuck for a few days and let him approach me first. He needed to do some explaining and apologizing. After a few days, Chuck did indeed call me and asked if we could meet for lunch. We met for lunch and he did apologize and at that time he explained everything that occurred (which is what I wrote above, his words, his story). A week or so later his girlfriend also correlated perfectly, exactly what he said. They both said that I was definitely taken over by Pan and even took on a different appearance that was a mixture between Pan and me. They mentioned how I seemed to float almost through the brush and dense green briar up the steep slope. Lastly, I did warn Chuck that he needs to make a mends (offering) to Pan or he may face serious side effects, as I mentioned earlier in this blog. I told him exactly what to do and where to do it and to let me know when he does the offering and prayer.

Sadly, Chuck never did make the offering and prayer. A month or so after this, Chuck was injured very bad in a freak accident while hiking which had him in bed for 2 months recovering. His girlfriend broke up with him just prior to his injury; then she lost her job and her car was stolen (he lost contact with her after this so not sure if any other bad luck affected her). Chuck within that same year; lost his job, his car was stolen, he got arrested for something which he would not discuss and had to drop out of college because of all these negative impacts on him. Not to say any of these bad occurrences were a result of his insult to Pan, but he surely had the best of luck and life prior to this string of negative things. I lost touch with Chuck about 3 years ago as he moved off to Florida, but he sure loved telling this story to everyone ever since it happened. He now is a believer and knows for fact that Pan is real, sacred spots are real and should be respected, and never to mess around with powerful forces after being warned.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

A Ritual for Pan with a Friend (2007 Part 1)

Pan "The Great Horned God, King of Mount Arcadia, Hoofed Lord of Forest"  has been my patron deity and oneness since my teens when it was finally revealed that he had chosen me and I had found him. My life aligned with him has been full of challenges both with great reward and some with hard lessons. Much like Pan's life as a god, my life has mirrored his stories, legends and behaviors; yet of course, in this physical realm of humans. I have seen Pan in actual physical manifestations, meta-physical forms, dream forms, meditational forms; and I have felt his presence in energy forms, spiritual presence, physical world unseen but knowing he is there and in alternative planes of existence. This story is one which has been shared many times by a friend of mine and by me; now everyone whom knows me, knows of this true story. I offer it to all whom doubt that Pan (or gods) are not real and never appear physically on this plane. This story has a very credible witness that wanted to "see" Pan and asked me over and over for months to take him with me to a personal ritual. I gave him what he wished.

Chuck was a nice guy in his early twenties. He was a few years into the "new age" scene searching for anything non-traditional, alternative and off the mainstream grid. (I knew and know many people in the "new age" trend, but I never considered myself even to this day a "new age" person. My way of life is natural to me and the only one I want and choose. I live Pan, do true rituals, really work in nature, and actually see and align myself with nature spirits. This life comes natural to me and was not picked out of books like many people do. I don't dislike new ager's, but they do annoy me often with "whats the hot trend today, alternative religion" and follow it aimlessly with no real dedication or intent.) So back to Chuck. He became a rather good friend in 2006. He unlike many other new ager's was college educated, smart, level headed, wise, driven to succeed and well rounded. His main agenda was to learn and experiment so he could become even wiser and gain more knowledge. I was always quite like him with regards to always wanting to learn, experience different things and live life to its fullest. Hence, we became friends.

Chuck right away started listening to my speeches and about my classes I taught on nature, gods, nature spirits, naturalism, shamanism and aspecting; he was deeply intrigued. I always see students or not close friends that seek my knowledge or insight as just that (acquaintance level information only); I would give no special attention or really deep inside information. I still to this day feel that deep, powerful information, wisdom, rituals and knowledge should never be taught or released to anyone; unless, they are the closest and most trusted of friends seeking information. Chuck moved quickly into this realm with me. I trusted him and liked what he was seeking to learn.

Chuck about 2 years after knowing him started asking me all the time if he could go with me to actually see or feel Pan for real (he sought this because I have openly spoken about many of my encounters with Pan). I share my many of my personal experiences with real life one on one physical, non-physical and multi-dimensional encounters with Pan and other things; because I want people to know this is very real. After putting Chuck off for a few months I gave him an ultimatum: If he is truly interested with full intent; I would give him a one day prior notice that he could join me in a personal ritual. He had only one shot and if he said no he would never be asked to join me again. (This is a technique I have always used to weed out the true, full intent people that have reached the trust level with me that want to join me in a ritual and it works brilliantly. Also, I would never ask someone to join me if I knew they were working or had prior obligations the next day, that would just be rude and very egotistical of me.) The day came when I felt it would be the perfect evening for a ritual with Chuck joining me. It was the week after the first day of summer. I called Chuck and he excitedly agreed.

I picked up Chuck just prior to midnight and we headed off to one of my favorite spots. (Over the years I have sought out excellent spots for meditation, ritual, celebrating with nature spirits (faeries and such) and places to make offerings. When I do find a great spot it is usually because I get a deep feeling and sensitivity to something particular to that spot. I have some spots strictly for working with Pan, because there is a powerful presence of Pan at that spot.) This spot I was taking Chuck to was one of my strongest ritual locations. I felt is was the perfect place for him to get very close with Pan.

As we were walking down through the forest to the ritual location I told Chuck that this place is 100% secret and has become very powerful and sacred over the years of my rituals and offerings there. Also I gave him some rules, with the most important rule being, to Never return to this spot without me. If Chuck were to return here to just walk through that is fine, but he could never bring anyone here or to attempt a ritual here or to "party" and "hangout" here. If any of these warnings I gave him were broken, it could effect him in a seriously, negative way. (Sacred locations with directed ritual and offerings to one particular deity empowers a place to extremes over the years. Anyone disrupting, interfering, disrespecting or altering these locations can be hurt mentally, physically, spiritually or even cursed by the energy there, protective barriers setup, nature spirits or possibly by the deity which is worshiped there.)

The ritual went very well and at the proper time when I felt Pan's presence strongly observing us, I asked Pan if he was willing to come forth physically. Shortly afterwards a very faint fog enclosed the entire area around us getting slightly denser over a few minutes. (The majority of the times when I have encountered Pan in physical form, a light, misty fog preceded his coming. Sometimes you can hear him walking around you at a distance, sometimes you get a fleeting glimpse, sometimes you hear his voice speaking to you and rarely, but it happens, you see a full body physical appearance walking through the misty fog or staring at you.) I told Chuck at this point he was approaching and to be silent, don't move and only allow me to speak. I called to Pan and praised him; "io, io Pan is here". We next heard hoof clops slowly walking on the rock floor under a natural old rock shelter that was across the shallow river from us. (Quickly, this ritual area is located on the banks of an old, meandering, small river under a 300 year old sycamore tree. On the opposite side of the river is a large, ancient rock shelter the floor of the rock shelter is solid flat rock. The entire site is in a forest lined valley full of 300 plus year old trees and dense brush. It is a difficult site to get to with only one path in and out.)

As Pan walked slowly across the river from us, I knew he was cautiously observing the situation and why Chuck was with me. Chuck nervously grabbed my arm and quietly said, "holy shit this is real, like really real, I am nervous as hell". I told him to relax and don't move. As I continued to praise Pan we heard him wading in the river 50 feet or so north of us. He walked up the bank about 40 ft away from us and he was slowly moving through the dense brush with ease. He was more circling us then coming directly towards us. I looked at Chuck and he was frozen still and obviously in deep fear. (Deep fear is a very real thing with Pan; after all, Pan is the bringer of fear. The root of the word panic comes from Pan. I myself, my first few times encountering Pan suffered deep panic and piercing fear and I could not move.) After a minute or so, Pan had almost completely circled us coming in closer and closer.

Pan came to a stop roughly 20 feet away behind some dense bushes, tall grasses and shrubs. There was still a light misty fog which seemed now flow in all directions and beginning to dissipate. As the fog got very thin, we saw Pan standing partially exposed physically manifested behind the shrubs and bushes. The right side of his upper body and full head was exposed but shrouded in the darkness of the night. His hand was hanging by his side swinging mildly. His face was rather blank, with his eyes scrunched as if he was pondering curiously at us. His horns were fully exposed, this time his horns were of the curled ram type and not large but equally proportioned to his head. He had the typical wild, hairy beard. His chest was bear and physically average in build. He suddenly began to quickly fade out of vision and within a few seconds he had disappeared. (The whole visual observation of Pan standing there was about 20 seconds.)

I peered over to Chuck who was directly facing the same direction as me and he witnessed the whole thing. He was shaking and frozen still with a blank stare on his face with his eyes wide open. I shook him lightly and he kept saying he was really scared. I told to relax and wait. I started praising and speaking out to Pan again. We could still feel his presence. In a mild light faint-like voice we heard from what seemed to be above us and around us, "I am honored." Everything after this quickly lifted and the ritual was over.

On our walk back to the vehicle Chuck was excited and overwhelmed with everything that happened. He kept saying that he could not believe what happened. He must have said twenty times to me that everything I have said and taught was absolutely true and very real. I was happy that yet another person saw Pan with me while in ritual.